Ep.5: SEO & WordPress for Business Owners

Why are search engine optimization (SEO) techniques important and how do you actually implement them in WordPress to grow your business? In this episode, we talk to Alex Murray from Tilious, an SEO agency that helps ambitious independent businesses grow with a revenue-focused approach. Alex shares how he helps his customers rank higher on search engines and what it takes for businesses with a WordPress website to get quick wins and long-term success.

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Alex Murray from Tilious talks about SEO for WordPress

Episode Highlights and Topics:

  • COVID Pandemic: Positive and negative business impacts on work/life balance
  • Tilious: Story behind the name – paying great attention to details in the SEO world
  • SEO vs. Ads: SEO gives a better return on investment (ROI) and accumulates over time
  • SEO Misconceptions: The majority of WordPress sites are self-built, and handle SEO, as well
  • SEO Foundation: Nobody knows what’s going on or how things work – even at Google
  • Content, Content Marketing, and SEO: Mistakes made when setting up a website
  • Competitive Data: Follow data, conduct research to fill in gaps closest to revenue
  • Search Intent: Google doesn’t rank keywords, but ranks website pages for keywords


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